In life, a man needs to do 3 things: build the first house, the second to grow a son and the third buy a car. Approximately like Volvo C30 Electric. Here, as in other cars, there is no internal combustion motor, instead of it they put an electric motor, and the battery is completely lithium-ion, on these environmental harmless electric cars you can drive somewhere around 150 kilometers. You can walk on theories so far. And in real life how many kilometers can you go? In fact, the release of Volvo C30 Electric is only conditional. Manufacturers are preparing to produce an electric car with a zero exhaust, while only 250 copies were collected, only
to determine all possible errors during operation. The concern is in no hurry mass production. Since an electric car is the top of a technical eco -chailer, unlike other Start/Stop systems and hybrids. At the moment, Volvo owners are well aware of the future behind electric cars. And therefore there should not be any mistakes. If we compare the usual C30 modifications Electric, then the electric car became heavier than 385 kg, the full weight of 1660 kg has approached the full weight. That’s why the driver needs to be doubly careful passing the bedridden police officers. Electric car shock absorbers click with metal both when compressed and when heal. Of course, if you do not drive uneven city roads at high speeds, then C30 Electric with can get a lot of pleasure. The first of them is silence. On a small speed, the electric car is completely silent. The Swedish was used here
noise insulation. Auto -containers security engineers assures that the Electric electric car provides passenger protection levels, like a regular C30 hatchback.