Automotive mirrors, also called self-setting mirrors, can automatically dull and clear up, in accordance with the levels of illumination and incidents. Studies show that glare from headlights of cars moving behind, reflected in the rear -view mirror or side mirrors of the rear view can complicate vision and contribute to fatigue during driving at night. This bright light can also slow down the reaction time and increase the time required to stop the car in emergency situations.
The device was crying with auto -plate
Mirrors with automatic darkness use an external light sensor and a glare sensor of the back. In low light conditions, the microcontroller uses the lighting sensor signal to determine how much the mirror should be darkened. The microcontroller supplies voltage to the electricchrome material remaining between two pieces of glass in the mirror. Electrochrome material darkens the mirror in proportion to applied voltage.
The disadvantage of automobile mirrors compared to mirrors with manual adjustment with two reflective surfaces is that automatic mirrors require power and cannot simply be glued to standard glass without any wired connections. However, since the automatically darkened rear -view mirrors remain in a fixed position during driving, you can display other information, such as time, temperature or direction of movement, in the mirror body.