What memorable cultural objects have survived to this day
At first glance, it may seem that the very city that the playwrights sang was nothing left, but your opinion about Athens will still change after you get to the main city attraction-Acropolis. It is here that you can fully feel an echo of history, since there is a silence that is not in the city itself, with an indescribable atmosphere. Here is the temple of Athena herself, in whose honor the city was named – Parfenon. It is this temple that is the most important pride of the capital of Greece, it can be seen almost from everywhere.
Likabetus is not very far from the acropolis – a hill towering above the acropolis and having a bell -shaped shape.Every tourist who has come to Athens must just visit this hill, because it opens up an amazing view of the whole city – from here you can see everything!