Why travelers prefer rented dwellings to hotel rooms
It is noted that many tourists, travelers, like business people visiting other cities, have recently been more and more often preferred for rented housing. This trend looks like a general protest against the immoderate appetites of the owners of hotels and hotels.
In the old days, a business trip or a tourist could find an overnight stay only in the same hotel apartments that could not give home comfort, but the cost of living in them in those years was not so frightening.
Now many hotels have turned into pathos hotels, which automatically led to a rise in price, and those that can still be attributed to budget ones, as a rule, have not seen repairs since the time of all the same "Happy" past. Therefore, the alternative to settle for the period of stay in a foreign city in a comfortable apartment quickly found a response in the hearts of visitors, because it is very rarely given the opportunity to save, living in comfort.