Quickly and understandable: than virtual purchases of games are better than real
To get the game, you first need to open your account on the website of Microsoft, which is dedicated to its game console. You can do this very quickly, and it’s not at all difficult, go to this site, and read what is written in its instructions. After that, you can already replenish your account for any amount, and pay with it all the multimedia products that Microsoft offers you, and any other company that develops software for your console, or produces multimedia content for this prefix.
You can enter your funds to the account using a special code that is sold in stores with games and on the Internet. When buying such a code wherever you make it, you do not lose your money at all, the amount that you paid for receiving the code enters your account at your account. But, nevertheless, it is better to buy these codes in good online stores that specialize in this.