Another Koenigsegg limited circulation, is currently not subject to repair. Koenigseg CCX has a 4, 7-liter V8 with a boost engine that issues 806 liters. With. and 939 Newton News.
Koenigsegg CCX
Koenigseg CCX was defeated this week in Nuevo-Ledo, Mexico. This is right across the border from Laredo, Texas, in the event that you are interested. From what we can extract from this story (En Espanol), two men rode at high speed, crashing the car began to smoke and stopped only near a kilometer marker 12. The car looks like it was blown up with the help of cruise missiles, and of course it is visible as each driver’s pillow, including the passenger, was deployed. The driver and passenger were sent to the hospital, but their condition is unknown. Vanguardia says the accident is still being investigated. You can also see more photos in the news. The cost of the car Koenigseg CCX is about $ 700,000 when the new. Take care of yourself and be careful.