If you pay attention to the appearance of Mazda 2, it will immediately become obvious that it has a resemblance to Mazda RX-8. This is not surprising, because the same company designer was engaged in both versions. Mazda in the person of “Two” showed the world that a small car for young people or, if you want, a female model can be not only beautiful and stylish, but also quite dynamic.
Such a model on the roads of the city will definitely not be a “white sheep”, but rather, on the contrary, you can catch the constant envious glances of the “neighbors” in traffic.
For some, this may seem amazing, but experts know for sure that the title “Best Car 2008” Mazda 2 received for a reason. But about everything in order.
The latest version of the car has a fairly changed interior, as well as the overall body style. By the way, everything has been done incredibly professionally and with a sense of taste. This is not surprising, we are dealing with the Mazda! And thanks to small sizes, you are guaranteed not to encounter problems of parking near a trading house or the inability to rebuild in another row with a tight movement.
The dynamics of the car from all these “miniature” things did not suffer in any way, because the weight of the model was preserved. In general, it is worth noting that the 5-door hatchback Mazda 2 will become a “favorite” assistant for traveling around the city or maneuverable trips along the city streets. This model will not lose its relevance in the next few years, and maybe more!