How to choose a city in Greece for a perfect relaxation
Most offers for renting villas in Greece, undoubtedly, can be found in the most popular resorts of Corfu, Crete and Rhodes. The most expensive of them is Corfu: in the midst of a beach holiday (July – August), the rental cost rises by 40 %. In a similar situation in Rhodes and Crete, prices “grow up” by only 20-25 %. Such a price range is explained by the location of the resort – the farther the island is located from the mainland, the cheaper to remove the villa on it.
However, if you expect from Greece a calm, measured rest without crowds of tourists and noise in the evenings, then Corfu, Crete and Rhodes are not for you. Ideal in all respects, both in price and in quality, the Peloponnese is recognized – the southern resour of Greece. The local beaches are recognized as the cleanest and most well -groomed on the entire Greek coast. There are much fewer tourists than in Crete and Rhodes, which largely helps to completely plunge into the measured and quiet Greek life.