What expenses are taken into account when counting profit from a rented apartment
Now let’s see how the situation has changed after the crisis. Today you can buy one-room apartment somewhere on the outskirts of Moscow for an average of 4 million rubles, you can rent it for a maximum of 25 thousand rubles a month.
Thus, in a year this apartment will be able to bring you 300 thousand rubles. Respectively, 4 million that you spent on buying an apartment will return to you in about 14 years. If you still take away various kinds of necessary expenses that will be required to maintain this apartment, the purchase of furniture, etc. p., then the payback period will increase to 16 years. This, of course, is quite difficult to call a business. Suppose that in Novosibirsk the numbers will be different, but there are fewer sentences there and the announcements “I will hand over without intermediaries Novosibirsk” are less common, and demand is higher.