Where in Barcelona you can not be afraid for your safety and safety of things
Despite all small thefts, in general, Barcelona is a very safe city for tourists. Oddly enough, the most popular places of pickpockets are the safest when it comes to serious crimes related to your life. In order not to risk our health, we offer you a short mini-excursion in the safest places in Barcelona.
Despite the not very pleasant situation at night, during the day – Rambla is a great place to walk. Cozy Boulevard with a huge number of fashion stores and restaurants will allow you to enjoy your vacation.
The ASHEMPLE area or the new city is a very popular place among tourists, so the criminals will have no chance to harm your health in any way. The district is famous for its magnificent architecture, at the head of which, of course, stands the Church of the Holy Family. Gorgeous restaurants and fashionable hotels scare off criminals who prefer dark and deserted places.